
The workflow process starts with a summary of the observations of the night, it is then decomposed in sequences of observations and calibrations. A pilot job is built for each sequence, and they are sent to the scheduling system SLURM, which takes care of allocating the resources and provides a first level of parallelization.

Each observation, usually called a run is normally composed of a set of ~100 files sometimes called sub-runs, each one comprising less than 10 seconds of data taking. The pilot jobs launch one job for each sub-runs comprising the observation, using the SLURM job array capabilities. This provides a second level of parallelization. Once all jobs are finished, the results are copied to the final storage locations and merged, where data check plots are provided to the collaboration through a web interface.

Step by step:

  1. A cron job creates a list of all the runs taken in the night which takes around 10 minutes. The list is written in the NightSummary file. An example is shown below:

01872    5 DRS4  2020-01-27 19:51:44 0001 1580154753739954334 5739954100 0001 1580154753739954334 5739951300
01873    5 CALI  2020-01-27 20:23:43 0001 1580156670887160057 1887159800 0001 1580156670887160057 1887158800
01874  194 DATA  2020-01-27 20:44:13 0003 1580157904186709543 5186709300 0003 1580157904186709543 5186708700
01875  209 DATA  2020-01-27 21:05:44 0003 1580159197411578464 7411578200 nan nan nan
01876  225 DATA  2020-01-27 21:27:20 0001 1580160490575729635 7575729400 nan nan nan
01877  202 DATA  2020-01-27 21:51:28 0001 1580161935735383476 1735383200 nan nan nan
01878   74 DATA  2020-01-27 22:13:34 0001 1580163263237149740 2237149500 nan nan nan
01879  207 DATA  2020-01-27 22:33:06 0003 1580164436408793971 3408793700 nan nan nan
01880  203 DATA  2020-01-27 22:55:31 0003 1580165786211720504 7211720200 nan nan nan
01881  207 DATA  2020-01-27 23:17:52 0001 1580167122989548546 3989548300 nan nan nan
  1. A sequencer script prepares a job for each run. There is always a first calibration sequence which produces the DRS4 pedestal, charge and time calibration files. The rest of the sequences correspond to sky-data runs which make use of the previously produced calibration files.

  2. These jobs are sent to the SLURM batch system as array jobs which process each subrun in parallel.

  3. In each subrun two steps are performed:

    1. R0 to DL1: DL1 file production, DL1 datacheck and muon analysis. In this step low and high level (TBC) calibration of the camera images is performed, afterward a cleaning is applied and the remaining images are parameterized to obtain the so-called Hillas parameters. All together take around 50 minutes per sub-run.

    2. DL1 to DL2: DL2 event-wise files are generated containing reconstructed energy, direction and type of particle. Previously trained RF models are applied to perform the reconstruction. This step takes a few minutes per sub-run.

  4. A closer script checks all the sequences and merges the subrun results. Files are moved to are moved to their final locations.

  5. Data check plots are transferred to the LST-1 data-check web server (password protected)

The basic scheme is shown in Fig. 2:


Fig. 2 Data flow scheme of LST onsite analysis.