.. _utils: Utilities ========= Functions to deal with command lines argument and options, dates, production IDs, directories and moving files. Command line arguments and options ---------------------------------- Input arguments and options for LSTOSA scripts are set in ``osa.utils.cliopts``. Reference/API +++++++++++++ .. automodule:: osa.utils.cliopts :members: :undoc-members: Moving files and DB register ---------------------------- Move analysis products (calibration, DL1, data-checks, muons and DL2 files) to their final destinations and register them in the data base (the latter actions is not implemented yet). Reference/API +++++++++++++ .. automodule:: osa.utils.register :members: Utility functions ----------------- Handling of dates, directories and production IDs. Reference/API +++++++++++++ .. automodule:: osa.utils.utils :members: I/O ----------------- Reading and writing files. Reference/API +++++++++++++ .. automodule:: osa.utils.iofile :members: