.. _scripts: Scripts ======= Scrips to be executed from the command line are described below: * `sequencer.py`_ * `calibration_pipeline.py`_ * `datasequence.py`_ * `closer.py`_ * `provprocess.py`_ * `copy_datacheck.py`_ * `simulate_processing.py`_ .. _sequencer.py: sequencer.py ++++++++++++ The sequencer is the main script of ``lstosa``. Right now can only executed only for ``LST1`` telescope. It triggers the whole analysis chain, creating the **analysis folders** and sending jobs to the SLURM queue system. For each run/sequence it sends a job to the working nodes. In the analysis folders you will find several types of ``sequence_*`` files: ``sequence_*.sh`` File submitted to the working nodes. It calls either the :ref:`calibration_pipeline.py` and the :ref:`datasequence.py` depending on the arguments given to the sequencer and the type of sequence/run. You can submit these jobs manually by executing ``sbatch sequence_*.py``. ``sequencer_*.txt`` DEPRECATED. Specify the subruns of a sequence/run that will be analyzed by the sequencer. ``sequence_*.history`` This file keeps tracks of the :func:`execution history` of a sequence/run. ``sequence_*.{err,log,out}`` These files are the logs of the job executed on the working nodes. You can find the output of the ``lstchain`` executables in the ``sequence_*.out`` file. ``sequence_*.veto`` This file is just a flag for a vetoed sequence/run that will not be analyzed by the sequencer. ``sequence_*.closed`` This file is just a flag for an already closed sequence/run that will not be analyzed by the sequencer. Usage ----- .. argparse:: :module: osa.utils.cliopts :func: sequencer_argparser :prog: sequencer.py API/References -------------- .. automodapi:: osa.scripts.sequencer :no-heading: .. _calibration_pipeline.py: calibration_pipeline.py +++++++++++++++++++++++ It produces the calibration products. Usage ----- .. argparse:: :module: osa.utils.cliopts :func: calibration_pipeline_argparser :prog: calibration_pipeline.py API/References -------------- .. automodapi:: osa.scripts.calibration_pipeline :no-heading: .. _datasequence.py: datasequence.py ++++++++++++++++++++++ It processes the raw R0 data producing the DL1 and DL2 files. Usage ----- .. argparse:: :module: osa.utils.cliopts :func: data_sequence_argparser :prog: datasequence.py API/References -------------- .. automodapi:: osa.scripts.datasequence :no-heading: .. _closer.py: closer.py +++++++++ Checks that all sequences are finished and completed, extract the provenance from the ``prov.log`` file and merge the DL1 data-check files. It also moves the analysis products to their final destinations. .. warning:: The usage of this script will be overcome by ``autocloser.py``. Usage ----- .. argparse:: :module: osa.utils.cliopts :func: closer_argparser :prog: closer.py API/References -------------- .. automodapi:: osa.scripts.closer :no-heading: .. _provprocess.py: provprocess.py ++++++++++++++ Extract the provenance information logged in to the ``prov.log`` file. It is executed within `closer.py`_. It produces the provenance graphs and ``.json`` files run-wise. Usage ----- .. argparse:: :module: osa.utils.cliopts :func: provprocess_argparser :prog: provprocess.py API/References -------------- .. automodapi:: osa.scripts.provprocess :no-heading: .. _copy_datacheck.py: copy_datacheck.py +++++++++++++++++ Copy the calibration and DL1 data-check files to the *datacheck* web server. Usage ----- .. argparse:: :module: osa.utils.cliopts :func: copy_datacheck_argparser :prog: copy_datacheck.py API/References -------------- .. automodapi:: osa.scripts.copy_datacheck :no-heading: simulate_processing.py ++++++++++++++++++++++ It simulates the processing of the data sequence, generating the provenance products in the ``prov.log`` file. Usage ----- .. argparse:: :module: osa.utils.cliopts :func: simproc_argparser :prog: simulate_processing.py API/References -------------- .. automodapi:: osa.scripts.simulate_processing :no-heading: