.. _howtocontribute: How to contribute ***************** The LSTOSA code and docs reside on this `this GitHub repository`_. If you want to contribute or have any question on how to use it ask its developers. You can also use `GitHub Issues`_ to ask or report any problem you may find. If you know nothing about git, we recommend to follow this `guide`_. .. _`this GitHub repository`: https://github.com/cta-observatory/lstosa .. _`guide`: https://cta-observatory.github.io/ctapipe/getting_started/index.html .. _`GitHub Issues`: https://github.com/cta-observatory/lstosa/issues How to build the docs ===================== You can find these docs in the ``docs`` folder inside the repository. They are build via the `Sphinx`_ package, deployed and published using `Read The Docs`_. To build the docs locally on your machine, you need to activate the ``osa-dev`` environment first. This conda environment can be created using the ``environment.yml`` file from the repository containing packages needed to generate the documentation: - sphinx - numpydoc - sphinx_rtd_theme - sphinx-argparse - sphinx-automodapi Once the environment is activated just run following command inside the ``docs`` folder: .. code:: bash make clean html .. _`Sphinx`: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/ .. _`Read the Docs`: https://readthedocs.org/ Python Docstrings ================= For the docstrings in the python code we use the `NumPy Style`_. These docstrings are then interpreted by Sphinx and used to build the API references in the LSTOSA code section. .. _`NumPy Style`: https://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example_numpy.html#example-numpy